Ernest Hébert (1817-1908) ~ La Musique, 1880 ✿

Ernest Hébert (1817-1908) ~ La Musique, 1880 detail Musée des beaux-arts de la ville de Paris, Petit Palais (Paris, France)
Ernest Hébert (1817-1908) ~ La Musique, 1880
Ernest Hébert (1817-1908) was a French academic painter. Born in Grenoble, from the age of ten to took drawing lessons from Benjamin Rolland (1777-1855). However, to appease his father, who wished him to become a lawyer, Hébert began study law in Paris in 1834. While there, he also studied painting and drawing, first under Pierre-Jean David d'Angers and later with Paul Delaroche. In 1836 he entered the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and in 1839 won the Prix de Rome with the Cup of Joseph Found in the Sack of Benjamin.

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