Edgard Maxence (1871-1954) ~ The Soul of the Source, 1899 ✿

Edgard Maxence (1871-1954) The Soul of the Source - L'Âme de la Source
Tempera and gold highlights on panel - Paris, Salon des artistes français, 1899
Edgard Maxence (1871-1954) was a French Symbolist painter.

In uno spazio misterioso e indefinito, vorticoso di muschi e cristalli, una giovane donna dalla pelle diafana e ciglia bionde chiare, assorta nella sua litania, con gli occhi semichiusi e la bocca delicatamente aperta, suona una lira da cui sembra sgorgare un torrente. Accanto a lei altre due donne sembrano apparire attratte dalla musica. È la scena misteriosa che Maxence, abituato a soggetti enigmatici, offre alla vista dello spettatore.
Dans un espace mystérieux et indéfini, tourbillonnant de mousses et de cristaux, une jeune femme à la peau diaphane et aux légers cils blonds, absorbée dans sa litanie, les yeux mi-clos et la bouche délicatement entr’ouverte, joue d’une lyre d’où semble jaillir un torrent. A ses côtés deux autres femmes semblent surgir attirées par la musique. C’est la scène mystérieuse que Maxence, habitué aux sujets énigmatiques, offre à la vue du spectateur.
In a mysterious and undefined space, swirling with mosses and crystals, a young woman with diaphanous skin and light blond lashes, absorbed in her litany, eyes half-closed and mouth delicately half-open, plays a lyre from which seems to flow a torrent. Beside him two other women seem to appear attracted by the music. It is the mysterious scene that Maxence, accustomed to enigmatic subjects, offers to the viewer.

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